Indonesian Project Locations
Barisan Regional Geology
Lower Tengkereng Drill hole Locations, August, 2010
Lower Tengkereng Surface Gold Geochemistry (March, 2009)
90109 UTD001A Cross Section
Upper Tengkereng Drill Hole Location Map (Dec 2008)
October 2007 Barisan Regional Geochemistry
Barisan Geology (April, 2007)
Barisan 2 encompass several gold-copper porphyry prospects.
A cluster of six known porphyry centres, three with previous drilling and historic resources occur within a 6.2 by 3 kilometre block. In 2008 EAS identified three new porphyry targets within the northwest trending, 20 kilometre long Barisan porphyry belt.
During 2008 EAS drilled the first hole at Upper Tengkereng (UT) confirming historical results and the presence of a gold-rich porphyry system. The entire 646.25 metre hole was mineralized averaging 0.68 g/t gold equivalent*. It included significant intersections of 268 metres of 0.92 g/t gold equivalent from 318 to 586 metres, and 68 metres of 0.80 g/t gold equivalent from 14 to 82 metres. The EAS gold assay results from UT are much better than those reported in the 1990's historic drilling suggesting an upgrading of gold results can also be expected at the other Barisan prospects. The recent and historical drilling results also suggest that gold and copper grades improve with depth. Alteration features in the core are similar to many features of the world's best gold-rich porphyry copper deposits in the circum-Pacific rim.
EAS started drilling in July 2010 at Lower Tengkereng (LT) which is located 1.5 kilometres southwest of UT. Both are similar windows of porphyry gold-copper mineralization exposed through shallow volcanic cover rocks that may be linked at depth. LT has a historical drill intersection of 339 metres of 0.47 g/t gold and 0.20% copper. Based on UT results an upgrading of these historic gold results can be expected with new EAS drilling.
Bahu has a 2.3 by 1.0 kilometre alteration zone (strongly sheeted quartz veining preserved in an advanced argillic lithocap) within porphyry stocks. Historic surface channel samples returned consistent encouraging values including 46 metres of 0.75 g/t gold and 268 ppm copper, and
30 metres of 0.71 g/t gold and 341 ppm copper. Bahu has never been drilled.
EAS is drilling at least two of the Barisan porphyries during 2010.
* The gold equivalent uses a copper to gold ratio of 1% Cu = 1.36 gm Au based on November 2008 metal market prices and assuming total recoveries of both metals.
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